Thursday, January 31, 2013

My love for Full House has always been marred by ONE "THING."

Full House is the greatest show ever.

Nothing beats it!

I remember watching it EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. and I still do. I love that Nickelodeon plays it every night! Theres nothing I love more than finally relaxing after my day of doing nothing to watch some good-ol classics.

  • You've got Danny Tanner, the germaphobic green giant-string bean.

  • Jesse Katsopolis / Cochran, (WTF was up with that? How did his last name change?!) the devilishly handsome and totally edible bad boy.

  • Stephanie Tanner, the annoying little girl who always seemed to piss us off because of how selfish she was and how many times she said "HOW RUDE!"

  • DJ Tanner, the cool older sister that we wish we all had. I mean, my older sisters are awesome, and I'm not just saying that because they read my blog ;)

  • Joey.......Did he even have a last name? OH YEAH! Gladstone! I couldn't remember because I don't care about him. He's creepy and I'm pretty sure he molested Michelle. Which brings me to why I sometimes have a dislike for this show.

  • Michelle Tanner is SO annoying. Please tell me I'm not the only one who has wanted to strangle her in almost every episode. I mean, I guess at times she could be really cute...but the majority of the time, I just want to wring her neck.
I'm writing this all as I watch the show. Thank god for boredom and Ben & Jerry's for getting me through my annoyance at Michelle.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

New classes, new opportunities for awkwardness

Today was the first day of my College Comp II class.

Lemme just tell you a story.

My teacher was telling us some stupid story, that I cannot recall at this time, but she stopped mid sentence and asked, "Am I crazy? Do you think I'm crazy?"

There was silence in the room, and I waited for someone to answer.

Nobody did.

I look around awkwardly to see who she's speaking to, before looking up at her.

She was legitimately staring like this...

 Who the hell was she staring at?!? it kinda looked like she was staring at the person  behind me, so I figured, oh, she must not know she's talking to her.


She was talking to me.

So I had to force out a quick, "noIdon'tthinkyou'recrazy." so she would stop creeping me out.

she told me I gave her a weird look...

uhhhhhhggg....idk. Some days, I just want to crawl under a rock and die because of my awkawrdness.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Short Pants McGee

Nothing is better than starting off the semester with a bang!

and what a better bang than to have your ex boyfriend in your class with you!!!

Yeah...Not too thrilled about it.

Hopefully nothing gets too awkward. My teacher told us that we'd have a chance to work with everyone in the class....I sure hope she was lying. There's no way in HELL I can work with that kid.

His pants are really short..

Like...really short.


Its just that....You can see his whole friggen shin when he sits down...

Like this guy:

Pants, in my opinion, were not meant to be worn that way.

Their purpose is to keep your legs warm in a comfortable fashion. They can't keep you warm if they're up to your arm pits..

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Busy Sundays

WHY is it always so busy at grocery stores on Sunday?

Aren't y'all supposed to be in church?


Why does a football game make you want to buy fucking CARTFULLS of food for a 3 hour shin-dig?

Like, honestly, 400 dollar orders are NOT necessary.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Bridesmaids - Best movie EVER.

I am actually so obsessed with this movie, its not even funny.

Like, you guys actually have no idea.

I've watched the movie at least 4 times in the past month, including last night. I could quote that movie like it were my job.

If you haven't seen this, I'm disappointed in you. You have not LIVED until you've witnessed the comical genius that is Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolf, Melissa McCarthy and the other actors/actresses involved.

To show you how creepily obsessed I am with this movie, I'm going to show you a montage of my favorite lines.

1. Wasted Kristen on the plane.
2. When Kristin has chocolate in her teeth.

3. When Kristin tries to communicate to Lillian with just a look.
4. When Megan talks about how she met a dolphin at the bottom
of the ocean when she fell off a cruise ship.


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Old man flirting

First of all.....I was stuck on register 17 for the last 3 hours of my shift. For any of you who don't know, register 17 sucks ass.

Its basically a secluded register from all the other registers. You're forced to just stand there. There's no one to talk to, and it doesnt help that when people ask for cigarrettes, it takes me a good hour to figure out what the fuck they want.

That's register 17.

Also, register 17 is right under the heaters, so you're boiling like a friggen lobster.

Not fun.

Around 8 or so, things begin to die down, and customers are scarce. Usually.


I was tired of standing around doing nothing. Anything to make the time go faster!

This old guy comes up to my line, and is super talkative right away.

Eventually he just starts talking to me about my generation and his generation and some random history shit. He then MAKES ME write down historical websites for the next time he came in so he could quiz me.

Excuse me, what?

He then said, and I quote:

OLD MAN: "I'm going to come back in here because you're so pretty. I'd ask you out if I was younger. Not that I can't right now, it just might not be that appropriate. You'd say yes though, right??"

No words.

I had no words for this man. I could hardly smile at him because I was so creeped out.

I feel like I need a shower, now. -_-


UPDATE: this is how I reacted to the creepy old guy.

1. Listening intently to his rubbish:

 2. Things starting to get a little weird:

3. Reaction to his asking me out:

Take it from me. This guy was a Class A Creeper. I'm surprised he wasn't waiting for me to get out of work.

Work is a cruel creation by the Devil

Do you ever wake up right before your alarm clock, just to change it to a later time? I did that 3 times this morning. I was originally going to get up at 11, then 12, and then 1. I still got up at 11 anyways because I was feeling guilty about laying in bed, wasting time before I had to go to work.

Every Saturday, I work 4-930, which really isnt that bad of a shift. But the thought of work makes me want to rip my hair out.

I work at a place I told myself that I would NEVER work at. And yet, here I am.

Its really probably the easiest job on the planet. A baby could do it. Its not really that I hate the job itself, its more of the thought of having to be there when I could be doing something way more fun with my time.

As I'm sitting here writing this, I'm calculating how much more time I have until I have to walk to my car like a sad little baby and drive to one of the dirtiest towns I know of.

3 hours and 20 minutes.

I usuall work Wednesdays and the weekends, but a couple weeks ago, they scheduled me to work 5 days in a row. I was mad, but I got through it somehow.

Not my favorite place to be. At all.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Stupid Google+

Having a major dilemma.

I really want to post pictures to go along with my shitty posts....but for some reason, stupid google+ or whatever wont let me add all.

Its just really frustrating, ya know? Because I want to spice up my words for you to make them more entertaining but I can't and it just sucks.


Woe is me.

I'm going to go cry in a corner now.

Procrastination is making me it's bitch. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?


WHY do I LOVE to push important things off till the last minute?

Maybe I just subconciously love making my brain cry with an overwhelmingly strong feeling of dread and panic.

I find myself saying all the time, "Oh, I'm going to stop procrastinating! I'm gonna do it! I'll get everything done ahead of time so I never feel like I'm being crushed under a massive load of tasks ever again!"

Never happens.

I said that before college started, and here's what happened:

In my US History course, we were given an assignment to write an 8-12 page essay about a historical figure that would be due on the last day of the semester.

Me: "Oh, I got this! I'm gonna get everything done on time and be done WAAAAYYYYY before it's due!! YAY!"


Me: "Oh......well.... I have 8 weeks left! I can just start it then! Everything will be fine!"


Me: "ALRIGHT! It's crunch time! After class, I'm gonna go home, crack open the books and start this project! NOBODY DISTRACT ME!"

Eventually, it's the day before the due date, and I'm working like a fucking sweatshop prisoner, trying to crank out an AMAZING, ACCURATE, and IMMACULATE paper that any teacher would be willing to tack onto their own fridge.

I ended up only writing 5.5 pages out of the required 8-10. This made me panic A LOT! My teacher was going to take of SOOOOOOO many points because I didn't meet the page requirements! I could tell!

The next day, when he's collecting papers, I shamefully handed it to him, trying to make it look like the stack of papers in his hand is much thicker than it is....but lets face it.... it was like, 2 pages. He could definitely tell.

The week following, I could hardly bring myself to look at my grades online. I definitely failed that class. I'm pretty sure I bombed the final exam, and the fact that my paper was terrible definitely didn't help my grade whatsoever.

FINALLY, I force myself to look at them, mainly because my parents were really interested in seeing what I had gotten for grades first semester.

I ended up getting a "C" on the final.....but what I saw next shocked me so much I almost died...

How in the FUCK did I get a 93 on an essay that was 7 pages short of the requirements? How does this even happen?!?!?!

I figured it was a mistake, but who am I to complain???

I ended up passing the class with a B by some miraculous feat of God.

I'm going to try to do better this semester procrastination wise....but who am I kidding?


Probably not going to happen.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Breaking up makes me paranoid..

Do you ever feel so paranoid you can't help but slither around on the floor of your house to make sure all the doors are locked? I've been feeling like that a lot lately, and I'll tell you why.

Now, I know all of us can relate when we talk of break-ups. It happens to all of us. Whether we were the dump-ee or the dump-er, it doesnt matter. In this case, I was the dumper. I met this guy at college who I thought ya know, was pretty cool.

Long story short, we dated...(for a month), and then I decided to end things. It was going nowhere. It took him a month to even put his arm around me..... WTF? how does that even happen? Okay, I get it. A lot of guys are really shy, and THAT'S OKAY! But don't expect a girl to be super gung-ho for the fact that her man doesn't show any affection whatsoever!

So I dumped him....

Here's where the paranoia kicks in.

This kid was kind of shifty, for lack of a better term. Of course, I didn't realize he was so strange until right up before I ended things.

I guess one morning at like, 6am, he came to my house and threw snowballs at my window.

Now, before you say, "OHHHH!!! That's so cute and romantic!" bite your tongue. I don't take my sleep time lightly. I love my sleep, and if someone tries to take that away from me, I'll rip their heads off faster than a hungry bear after hibernation.

I found it kind of creepy. A few questions came to mind:

  1. 1. We were dating for a month.... WHY do you think it's okay for you to act like some fucking prince trying to rescue a girl from a tower? I wasn't in trouble, and I sure as hell wasn't willing to throw my hair out the window to give you a leg up.
  2. HOW DID YOU KNOW WHICH WINDOW WAS MINE?! For all I know, you could've very well have been pelting those poorly made snowballs at my parents' bedroom window.
ANYWAYS... Back to my paranoia.

I was deathly afraid that he would come back to my house late at night, and peep through my windows.....try to break in or something....Because his shifty behavior just kind of pointed toward a situation like that....ya know? It's been a week since I kicked him to the curb...but I'm still afraid I'll go out to the kitchen for a snack and he'll be creepily staring through my kitchen door window....

Idk....I'm just a little creeped out.

Has anything like this ever happened to you guys? I'd LOVE to hear about your stories!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Welcome to my blog!!

Welcome, one and all to my blog! Let me just say right now, that I'm not really promising anything good.

I've been spending a lot of my time reading blogs from all different people, which has inspired me to start with my own, random musings.

I want to write (or rather, "whine") about things that we've all experienced in real life. Things that we fucking hate. Things that make us laugh, even! Thanks for hopping on this magical train of fun with me! even if it sucks... HAHAH!