Saturday, January 12, 2013

Work is a cruel creation by the Devil

Do you ever wake up right before your alarm clock, just to change it to a later time? I did that 3 times this morning. I was originally going to get up at 11, then 12, and then 1. I still got up at 11 anyways because I was feeling guilty about laying in bed, wasting time before I had to go to work.

Every Saturday, I work 4-930, which really isnt that bad of a shift. But the thought of work makes me want to rip my hair out.

I work at a place I told myself that I would NEVER work at. And yet, here I am.

Its really probably the easiest job on the planet. A baby could do it. Its not really that I hate the job itself, its more of the thought of having to be there when I could be doing something way more fun with my time.

As I'm sitting here writing this, I'm calculating how much more time I have until I have to walk to my car like a sad little baby and drive to one of the dirtiest towns I know of.

3 hours and 20 minutes.

I usuall work Wednesdays and the weekends, but a couple weeks ago, they scheduled me to work 5 days in a row. I was mad, but I got through it somehow.

Not my favorite place to be. At all.

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