Thursday, January 24, 2013

New classes, new opportunities for awkwardness

Today was the first day of my College Comp II class.

Lemme just tell you a story.

My teacher was telling us some stupid story, that I cannot recall at this time, but she stopped mid sentence and asked, "Am I crazy? Do you think I'm crazy?"

There was silence in the room, and I waited for someone to answer.

Nobody did.

I look around awkwardly to see who she's speaking to, before looking up at her.

She was legitimately staring like this...

 Who the hell was she staring at?!? it kinda looked like she was staring at the person  behind me, so I figured, oh, she must not know she's talking to her.


She was talking to me.

So I had to force out a quick, "noIdon'tthinkyou'recrazy." so she would stop creeping me out.

she told me I gave her a weird look...

uhhhhhhggg....idk. Some days, I just want to crawl under a rock and die because of my awkawrdness.

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