Thursday, January 10, 2013

Breaking up makes me paranoid..

Do you ever feel so paranoid you can't help but slither around on the floor of your house to make sure all the doors are locked? I've been feeling like that a lot lately, and I'll tell you why.

Now, I know all of us can relate when we talk of break-ups. It happens to all of us. Whether we were the dump-ee or the dump-er, it doesnt matter. In this case, I was the dumper. I met this guy at college who I thought ya know, was pretty cool.

Long story short, we dated...(for a month), and then I decided to end things. It was going nowhere. It took him a month to even put his arm around me..... WTF? how does that even happen? Okay, I get it. A lot of guys are really shy, and THAT'S OKAY! But don't expect a girl to be super gung-ho for the fact that her man doesn't show any affection whatsoever!

So I dumped him....

Here's where the paranoia kicks in.

This kid was kind of shifty, for lack of a better term. Of course, I didn't realize he was so strange until right up before I ended things.

I guess one morning at like, 6am, he came to my house and threw snowballs at my window.

Now, before you say, "OHHHH!!! That's so cute and romantic!" bite your tongue. I don't take my sleep time lightly. I love my sleep, and if someone tries to take that away from me, I'll rip their heads off faster than a hungry bear after hibernation.

I found it kind of creepy. A few questions came to mind:

  1. 1. We were dating for a month.... WHY do you think it's okay for you to act like some fucking prince trying to rescue a girl from a tower? I wasn't in trouble, and I sure as hell wasn't willing to throw my hair out the window to give you a leg up.
  2. HOW DID YOU KNOW WHICH WINDOW WAS MINE?! For all I know, you could've very well have been pelting those poorly made snowballs at my parents' bedroom window.
ANYWAYS... Back to my paranoia.

I was deathly afraid that he would come back to my house late at night, and peep through my windows.....try to break in or something....Because his shifty behavior just kind of pointed toward a situation like that....ya know? It's been a week since I kicked him to the curb...but I'm still afraid I'll go out to the kitchen for a snack and he'll be creepily staring through my kitchen door window....

Idk....I'm just a little creeped out.

Has anything like this ever happened to you guys? I'd LOVE to hear about your stories!

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