Monday, January 14, 2013

Bridesmaids - Best movie EVER.

I am actually so obsessed with this movie, its not even funny.

Like, you guys actually have no idea.

I've watched the movie at least 4 times in the past month, including last night. I could quote that movie like it were my job.

If you haven't seen this, I'm disappointed in you. You have not LIVED until you've witnessed the comical genius that is Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolf, Melissa McCarthy and the other actors/actresses involved.

To show you how creepily obsessed I am with this movie, I'm going to show you a montage of my favorite lines.

1. Wasted Kristen on the plane.
2. When Kristin has chocolate in her teeth.

3. When Kristin tries to communicate to Lillian with just a look.
4. When Megan talks about how she met a dolphin at the bottom
of the ocean when she fell off a cruise ship.


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