Saturday, January 12, 2013

Old man flirting

First of all.....I was stuck on register 17 for the last 3 hours of my shift. For any of you who don't know, register 17 sucks ass.

Its basically a secluded register from all the other registers. You're forced to just stand there. There's no one to talk to, and it doesnt help that when people ask for cigarrettes, it takes me a good hour to figure out what the fuck they want.

That's register 17.

Also, register 17 is right under the heaters, so you're boiling like a friggen lobster.

Not fun.

Around 8 or so, things begin to die down, and customers are scarce. Usually.


I was tired of standing around doing nothing. Anything to make the time go faster!

This old guy comes up to my line, and is super talkative right away.

Eventually he just starts talking to me about my generation and his generation and some random history shit. He then MAKES ME write down historical websites for the next time he came in so he could quiz me.

Excuse me, what?

He then said, and I quote:

OLD MAN: "I'm going to come back in here because you're so pretty. I'd ask you out if I was younger. Not that I can't right now, it just might not be that appropriate. You'd say yes though, right??"

No words.

I had no words for this man. I could hardly smile at him because I was so creeped out.

I feel like I need a shower, now. -_-


UPDATE: this is how I reacted to the creepy old guy.

1. Listening intently to his rubbish:

 2. Things starting to get a little weird:

3. Reaction to his asking me out:

Take it from me. This guy was a Class A Creeper. I'm surprised he wasn't waiting for me to get out of work.

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