Friday, December 20, 2013

Everyone Loves Some Gossip

I literally live for the dirty details of everyone else's life because mine is so lame in comparison.

I love hearing bad shit about people I never or no longer care for.

Nothing makes me happier than hearing that someone I dislike immensely is going crazy and should be committed to an insane asylum, or because they got arrested.

I mean...those are just examples of things that could happen to people....not like I know people that that's happened to....yet..?

Hearing gossip like this just makes me thankful that I seem so much more normal and far better off than a lot of other people.

I mean....Who doesn't like to find out that even though they think their life sucks, it's a hell of a lot better than other people's?

Whether you have a bad home life, a shitty job, or an annoying family, just remember that a once popular person's friends are finally realizing how fucked they are, and someone is working the graveyard shift at Walmart.


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Too Many Pervs

A creepy customer at work today said this to me, and I quote:

"With a smile like that, you can get me to do whatever you want, dear."

GAG me with a spoon.

Why are people so gutsy when it comes to saying creepy shit?

Like...I would NEVER say that to anyone...Like...if I was checking out at a store, and the cashier was a really attractive, Ian Somerhalder and Channing Tatum mix, I wouldn't DARE say something like that.

2. You're gonna give them the creeps.

All I did was laugh and look away..

LIKE...I honestly do not see why people say these things to me.

I'm no Miranda Kerr.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Thank You, Tyler Oakley

For those of you who aren't aware, Tyler Oakley is one of the most FABULOUS gays on YouTube. Literally hands-down, the BEST.

He just tweeted this link to a Wrecking Ball Remix that I think Y'all should really listen to.

Pure gold.

That's all I have to say.

Way better than the original.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Simplemindedness of children

When we were little, my sister and I used to think that If we closed our eyes, we'd turn invisible. If we couldn't see you, then you couldn't see us.

I wish all the time that that was actually real.

How awesome would it be to just close your eyes and disappear from the world?

I'd literally have my eyes closed all the time.

I'd love nothing more than to close my eyes and completely remove myself from an awkward confrontation.

Little kids believed in EVERTHING! Why can't adults do that as well?

Santa is probably the greatest lie told to children of all time.

We all wondered, "How in the FUCK does this fat man travel the world in a single night?" or, "How does he come down our chimneys? What if we don't have one?"

Santa was so magical. Something extremely exciting for us this time of year when we were small. I often wish I could go back to the simplicities of being little and believing in everything, because now, there's no magic. Theres just a whole lot of life staring you in the face until you die.

If I could have only one wish, it would be that we could all find the magic in everyday life. That we could all adopt a love for the simple things in life like a child does. Find a bug outside and think, "damn, that thing is cool," or pick up a stick and say, "This would make a sick friggen sword." Where did our imaginations go?

I wish we could get them back.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

So much I want to say..

I feel so angry.

and annoyed.

I don't know if its because I'm getting sick, or because I'm tired, or because I'm cold.

All I know is that I'm cranky.

I feel like theres so much more shit that I really feel the need to post on here, but I don't wanna risk anyone that those things are directed to to come across this page and get offended.

Theres SO MANY people that I would love nothing more than to give them a piece of my mind, but writing it online just wouldn't do it justice.

Maybe someday when all the people that pissed me off early in life forget who I am, I'll get the ovaries to spew all my angry thoughts online.

Sorry for the TERRIBLE post....I just felt like....I don't know.

I don't know what I feel like.

I need to go to bed.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Its Almost 2014!

2013 has literally been a year of hell for me.

So much shit has happened to make me desperately look forward to January 1st. A new start.

I got a nice parting gift from my ex-bf (mono), got the WORST allergic reaction to amoxicillin. HOLY SHIT. Just thinking about it makes me wanna tear my skin off my body. Then I ended up in the hospital and literally almost died.

Its just been all downhill from there.

I realized that life is way too short for me to be doing things that I don't want to be doing. I wanna do things for ME. Things that I wanna do. Things that I've always DREAMED of doing.

I know its still a little early yet for New Years Resolutions,'s a lot closer than I think. Why wait a whole month to start making my life what I've always wanted it to be, when I can start doing it now?

Life is finite, and I'm not going to sit around and wait for it to happen, because then it never will and I'll die an unfulfilled life.

My top aspirations for 2014:

  1. Actually start a YouTube channel
  2. Have people actually enjoy it.
  3. Internet stardom.
  4. Have my blog become popular.
  5. Find someone who actually likes me.
  6. Make new friends.
  7. Get an apartment with my best friend.
  8. Roadtrip
  9. Start Exercising
  10. Keep my room clean.
  11. Save money instead of spending it.
  12. Start writing again. NaNoWriMo 2014?
  13. Make someone's life better.
Those kind of seem really lame...but there's way more things I couldn't add because they're way too weird and personal, and I don't want you guys to think I'm crazy. So those are classified. 

I just really hope the new year is everything that I hope it will be. I need something to look forward to.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Hibernation for Humans

Winter is here!

And in celebration of this beautifully brutal time of year, I've decided to eat everything in sight so I can pack on a few extra pounds to keep me warm, because I don't have anyone to do that for me.

That's my excuse for eating whatever the fuck I want without being judged.

I shouldn't be allowed to have money because I literally will only go out and buy food. And not "good-for-you" food either. The bad shit. The candy, and the donuts, and the soda. Literally anything with over 500 calories per serving I'll be plopping down on that check-out counter, you can guaruntee it.

Like...I'm pretty sure everyone at Walmart knows me by name now because I'm in there so often buying sugary snacks in my baggy sweats. I also buy a lot of pasta. Again, not the "whole grain" shit that the so-called "granola" people advise us to use. You better bet your ass I'm buying the carb-loaded, extra saucy and deliciously heart-attack-inducing shit.

I'm honestly surprised that I don't weight at least 300 pounds by now.

Anyway, here's my latest haul:


I'm ready for you, winter.