Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Its Almost 2014!

2013 has literally been a year of hell for me.

So much shit has happened to make me desperately look forward to January 1st. A new start.

I got a nice parting gift from my ex-bf (mono), got the WORST allergic reaction to amoxicillin. HOLY SHIT. Just thinking about it makes me wanna tear my skin off my body. Then I ended up in the hospital and literally almost died.

Its just been all downhill from there.

I realized that life is way too short for me to be doing things that I don't want to be doing. I wanna do things for ME. Things that I wanna do. Things that I've always DREAMED of doing.

I know its still a little early yet for New Years Resolutions, but...it's a lot closer than I think. Why wait a whole month to start making my life what I've always wanted it to be, when I can start doing it now?

Life is finite, and I'm not going to sit around and wait for it to happen, because then it never will and I'll die an unfulfilled life.

My top aspirations for 2014:

  1. Actually start a YouTube channel
  2. Have people actually enjoy it.
  3. Internet stardom.
  4. Have my blog become popular.
  5. Find someone who actually likes me.
  6. Make new friends.
  7. Get an apartment with my best friend.
  8. Roadtrip
  9. Start Exercising
  10. Keep my room clean.
  11. Save money instead of spending it.
  12. Start writing again. NaNoWriMo 2014?
  13. Make someone's life better.
Those kind of seem really lame...but there's way more things I couldn't add because they're way too weird and personal, and I don't want you guys to think I'm crazy. So those are classified. 

I just really hope the new year is everything that I hope it will be. I need something to look forward to.

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