Friday, December 20, 2013

Everyone Loves Some Gossip

I literally live for the dirty details of everyone else's life because mine is so lame in comparison.

I love hearing bad shit about people I never or no longer care for.

Nothing makes me happier than hearing that someone I dislike immensely is going crazy and should be committed to an insane asylum, or because they got arrested.

I mean...those are just examples of things that could happen to people....not like I know people that that's happened to....yet..?

Hearing gossip like this just makes me thankful that I seem so much more normal and far better off than a lot of other people.

I mean....Who doesn't like to find out that even though they think their life sucks, it's a hell of a lot better than other people's?

Whether you have a bad home life, a shitty job, or an annoying family, just remember that a once popular person's friends are finally realizing how fucked they are, and someone is working the graveyard shift at Walmart.


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