Friday, November 29, 2013

Compliments from old people

For those of you who were not aware, the majority of customers who come into RiteAid are 65+....probably because they have a lot of perscriptions to pick up...

They're literally the sweetest people ever. I've never met nicer people in my whole life than these old people.

I think a lot of them are just really lonely and have nobody at home to talk to, so they like to chat it up with the younger employees for as long as possible, which I don't mind because I love hearing their stories and seeing them smile.

An older guy came in today and said he was buying candy for his wife.

When I went to put it in a bag, I started laughing because I kept dropping one of the candy bars onto the counter. It was so awkward that I literally COULD NOT STOP LAUGHING.

The guy smiled and he said:

"You know what the best sound in the world is? A beautiful woman laughing. You're glorious."

It was probably one of the best compliments I had ever gotten from someone.

One of the less pervy ones, anyways.

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