Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Turkey Day!

Hope y'all are having a great time stuffing your stomachs full of turkey and spending quality time with your families!

It's kind of sad to me that we need one special day out of the year to be thankful when we should be thankful  Every day....but I guess that's just me.

We just got done with family game night. Is that really juvenile? Do people still have family game night besides me?


We played a game called Quelf (no, not queef), and It was so fucking funny. Like. you'll honestly never play a more fucked game ever. wtf is a quelf anyways? Is that even a real word? I'll have to look that one up.

As y'all go to sleep tonight with full bellies and a smile on your sleepy little faces, don't forget about those who are less fortunate. Remember and pray for those who aren't able to be with their families today, and thank those who are out fighting for our country, because without them, there'd be a whole lot less to be thankful about.

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