Friday, November 29, 2013

Compliments from old people

For those of you who were not aware, the majority of customers who come into RiteAid are 65+....probably because they have a lot of perscriptions to pick up...

They're literally the sweetest people ever. I've never met nicer people in my whole life than these old people.

I think a lot of them are just really lonely and have nobody at home to talk to, so they like to chat it up with the younger employees for as long as possible, which I don't mind because I love hearing their stories and seeing them smile.

An older guy came in today and said he was buying candy for his wife.

When I went to put it in a bag, I started laughing because I kept dropping one of the candy bars onto the counter. It was so awkward that I literally COULD NOT STOP LAUGHING.

The guy smiled and he said:

"You know what the best sound in the world is? A beautiful woman laughing. You're glorious."

It was probably one of the best compliments I had ever gotten from someone.

One of the less pervy ones, anyways.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Turkey Day!

Hope y'all are having a great time stuffing your stomachs full of turkey and spending quality time with your families!

It's kind of sad to me that we need one special day out of the year to be thankful when we should be thankful  Every day....but I guess that's just me.

We just got done with family game night. Is that really juvenile? Do people still have family game night besides me?


We played a game called Quelf (no, not queef), and It was so fucking funny. Like. you'll honestly never play a more fucked game ever. wtf is a quelf anyways? Is that even a real word? I'll have to look that one up.

As y'all go to sleep tonight with full bellies and a smile on your sleepy little faces, don't forget about those who are less fortunate. Remember and pray for those who aren't able to be with their families today, and thank those who are out fighting for our country, because without them, there'd be a whole lot less to be thankful about.

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Christmas Spirit!

I've decorated my blog for the Holidays!!

Look at my fancy, flashy banner! Never knew I could do that.

Learning new tricks to make my blog more appealing to you guys!

How am I doing??


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Taking The Word "Public" To New Extremes.

I was so exhausted when I got out of work tonight at 6, after spending the last 24 hours at work, I just HAD TO go to bed at 7:30pm. I woke up thinking it was early morning but nope....just 11:30pm.

So anyway..

Before I woke up, I had a dream that for SOME FUCKED REASON I was back in high school, and REALLY had to go to the bathroom. So I walked down the busy halls of faces I recongnize and head to the bathroom. Ya know, everything in my dream looked EXACTLY how it does in real life....Except for when I went into the bathroom...Here's basically how it looked.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Forgotten Christmas Story

An 18-wheeler chugs along the snowy, mountainous road leading to the Magic Christmas Tree grove.

The Magic Trees are hidden by a large mountain range that only the truck driver, BoDuke knows about. 
BoDuke brings these Christmas trees back to the mainland to be sold to loving families for the holidays. Clearly the trees are really happy about it. 

Little did those poor trees know, but up above, evil beavers with insanely long nails are salivating over their magic wood. The beavers are hungry. 
BoDuke is extremely confused when he reaches the spot where the Magic Christmas trees grew in abundance to find they were nowhere to be found. With a heavy heart, BoDuke heads back home without any christmas trees for the world.


Thursday, November 21, 2013

On Second Thought...

I've thought over and thought over whether I should continue going to college next semester or take the semester off, and I've chosen the latter.

I just feel like there's so much I still want to do, and I can't do that while I'm stuck in that prison..

So anyways, just informing all of you that I'm still attempting to become a big youtube star, so here's my channel!

Sadly, there are no videos up yet, but hopefully soon, I'll figure my shit out and post something.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

That "Bah-humbug" mood

One of the things I wonder most about is how some people have a significant other and I'm completely alone.

I mean, I don't mean to sound rude or selfish, but there are some people out there that I know are nasty peopole on the inside. People who have no regard for other's at all and only care about themselves and they somehow found someone that can put up with all of their bullshit.

Anyways...The holidays have me feeling a little lonely.

Christmas movies on tv are all about the guy getting the girl and everyone living happily ever after around a big fat fir tree with spiked egg nog and mistletoe kisses, and I'm just sitting on the couch with a box of tissues, crying because the movies are so sappy....And the fact that my life isn't nearly as perfect.

Why can't there be one Christmas movie all about a girl who works at a pharmacy and has one best friend and no boyfriend, a shitty car that screams at her every time she even looks at it, and lives a luxurious daily life at community college with all the smart and dashingly handsome single guys.

NOW THAT is a  movie I'd love to see. I'm also up for the lead, if you wanted to know.

I can never seem to keep a guy around the holidays, and I think it probably has something to do with the fact that guys don't want to deal with a girl around the holiday because they feel obligated to get her gifts.


Theres's actually nothing I fucking hate MORE than people spending their own money on me on things that I never EVER wanted.

Which brings me to my next point..

Gifts mean surprises. And I hate being surprised.

So guys, if you're planning on snatching up this single fox, take notes.

Off to go cry into my pillows.

Rant over.

