Thursday, May 9, 2013


Do you ever wish you were someone else? Not only because maybe someone else's life is better than yours, but maybe it's because they have something that you don't have.

My only wish is that I wasn't so fucking awkward.'ll never meet a mor socially inept person than me.

People feel awkward just being in my presence.

I just met my boyfriend's friends, might I add, there were only like....4 other people there with us....and I WAS SO FUCKING AWKWARD.

Why is he even dating me. Seriously, right now he's probably talking to his friends about how stupid and awkward I am. Like....I wouldn't even wanna date a person like me.

Meeting new people is a huge issue for me. I can hardly even manage a shift at the Bucket without having a mental social-anxiety breakdown.

I'm just so done right now.

I'm going to go hide under my bed for the rest of my life.

Maybe that way I can eventually forget that this night ever happened.

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