Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sick and delusional

I have not been feeling well the past couple of days.

It feels like every limb of mine is going to drop to the floor any second. Even my hands hurt. Either I'm getting premature arthritis or something is seriously wrong. That and the fact that my temperature is over 100 degrees.

I legitimately only got an hour and a half of sleep tonight. I've been up since 3am and don't see myself going to bed anytime soon.

Here's where my dilemma comes into play.

Its sunday and I'm supposed to work today.

Definitely not happening.

I am DREADING calling out because I can tell they secretly hate everyone who does so.

Which is STUPID because they literally have 389247283 people working there every day.

They don't need me there! But I just can't help but feel guilty, even when I'm actually sick!

Wish me luck in calling them.

My heart is already pounding.

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