Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Creative Writing.

So today in my Creative Writing class, we were given a number of exercises to help us build a solid character for a story. This one was my favorite:


"Write a page in the first person, assuming the voice of someone of the oposite gender. This can be a description, a narrative, or a segment of autobiography. The main point is to completely lose yourself and become another."

Heres how I approached this.

"I'm just so awkward when it comes to girls. They're so pretty and they smell so nice, whenever they try to talk to me, I just freeze up like a friggen popsicle. No wonder no girls take any interest in me. I wouldn't date me either. My pants are too short, I walk like a fucking squirrel skipping through a field of flowers, and my voice sounds like that fat guy's from E! News. Just not appealing whatsoever. I dated this one girl. First girl to ever take an interest in me. Super gorgeous. I thought I had to be the luckiest guy in the world. I even showed up at her house at six in the morning drunk with my friend and threw snowballs at her bedroom window. How romantic is that?


Then, a week later, she dumped me.

What's up with that?

Maybe I'm just too intimidating.

Maybe I should tone it down.

Who wouldnt want to date me? My GPA is practically non-existent and I have no future goals for myself!

I'm awesome!"

Nailed it!

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