Saturday, June 22, 2013

SO FUCKING ITCHY: A Girl's Journey With Mono

Word to the wise: if your doctor checks you for strep and the test comes back negative, make sure they don't give you antibiotics just for the hell of it.

Aparently those with Mono who take an antibiotic (amoxicillin) because they've been misdiagnosed by doctors, tend to get a full-body rash that makes you look like a lumpy red pickle and essentially is so itchy you wan't to kill yourself.


There's nothing you can do for the itch.

I've tried a million different things. I've almost gone through a whole box of Benadryl pills in less than 2 days.

I've even sat on the floor naked wrapped in a soaking wet, ice-cold towel in hopes of relieving the itch.

I can hardly even type this right now because I'm itching so fucking bad.

I can't even remember the last time I've slept.

OH! And lets not forget that my face is swollen and nasty. At least its not red and blotchy anymore like the rest of my body, so I guess that's a plus.

So yeah...Don't let your doctor give you an antibiotic when you have Mono because I assure you, you WILL wan't to kill yourself.

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