Monday, October 28, 2013

Dreaming Big or Setting Myself Up for Life In A Box Under A Bridge

I've decided to become a famous blogger/youtube star. Granted, my blog sucks ass and I don't even have a youtube account, but I'm making progress. Planning is just the first phase. Baby steps, people! Ever heard of it?!

Anyways. Since I see my school career possibly ending soon/going on a hiatus, I've decided I need to find something I like to do to fill the sad, empty, and pathetic void that will become my life after the semester ends.

I guess I should start right away, ya know? Give myself a little head-start before my life becomes completely depressing.

I guess what my problem is, is that I really just have no motivation for anything right now.

Kinda sad that my blog only has a little over 400 views, (408 last I checked. World renound, household name, here I come!) but It's getting there. I just hope some people out there are enjoying what I write, even though most of it is senseless drivel like this post.

If my life was more interesting, I'm sure I'd have more views.

I should start lying.

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