Sunday, January 26, 2014

Speed Bumps

Today is one of those days where I just feel like my life is going absolutely nowhere.

I also realize that my blog is still Christmas themed and that I have no urge whatsoever to change it.

I'm so eager to rush my life right now that I'm probably missing a whole lot of opportunities because I'm blind to everything except making it to tomorrow.

Is this considered a speed bump or roadblock in life when I'm standing still?

When I look at my life I just realize how sort of pathetic it is.

I have one best friend.

I gave up on school.

No significant others in the foreseeable future.

Full time job working with cranky people.

Not a dime to my name.

I just find myself wondering when it's all going to turn around for me.When will I actually be genuinely happy instead of lying to everyone that I am?

When will I reach a point in my life when I'm actually content with where I'm at and looking forward to the here and now and not 10 years from now?

I wish I could just find some magic crystal ball so I could see what my fate is.
